Why VR is an Effective Tool for Use of Force Training

VR has been gaining traction as a tool for use of force training.

Carey Rhodes
January 24, 2023

The use of force by police officers is a controversial and complex issue. In recent years, police departments have been looking for ways to improve their use of force training to ensure that officers have the skills and knowledge necessary to use force appropriately and safely. One approach that has been gaining traction is the use of virtual reality (VR) for use of force training.

The Police Data Initiative defines the use of force as the means of compelling compliance or overcoming resistance to an officer’s command(s) in order to protect life or property or to take a person into custody.

Benefits of Using VR for Use of Force Training

VR can provide a safe and controlled environment for officers to practice and learn how to respond to use of force situations. This allows officers to experience simulated scenarios, such as responding to a call for service, in a safe and controlled environment. By using VR, officers can practice their skills and make mistakes without risking harm to themselves or others.

Additionally, the immersive nature of VR can make the training feel more realistic and meaningful, which can help officers better understand the challenges they may face in the field. VR can also allow for customizable and scalable training, so departments can train large groups of officers at once, making it a cost-effective and efficient training solution.

Reasons Why VR is an Effective Use of Force Training Tool

The immersive nature of VR makes training more realistic and meaningful, allowing officers to better understand the challenges they may face in the field. Virtual reality is an effective tool for use of force training because of the following reasons:

  • Provides a safe and controlled environment for officers to practice responding to use of force situations without risking harm to themselves or others
  • Allows for immersive and realistic training experiences that better prepare officers for the challenges they may face in the field.
  • Customizable and scalable, making it a cost-effective and efficient solution for departments to train large groups of officers at once
  • Allows for the analysis and debriefing of training scenarios, which helps to identify areas of improvement and reinforce best practices
  • Allows for training on diverse scenarios and populations, helping officers to be prepared to interact with a wide variety of people they may encounter in their duties.
  • Allows officers to experience high-stress and fast-paced scenarios and practice decision-making, de-escalation, and communication skills
  • Provides opportunities to work on and improve decision-making skills in a safe and controlled environment
  • Allows for a more realistic training experience than traditional methods
  • Allows for training to be done on scenarios that would be difficult or impossible to replicate in real life, such as active shooter situations or severe weather conditions.

Use of Force Training Simulator Example

A notable example of a VR program used for use of force training is the Virtual Reality Use of Force Simulator developed by Apex Officer, the leading provider of VR training solutions for law enforcement and military agencies. The program provides officers with realistic, interactive use-of-force scenarios, such as responding to an active shooter and tracks their decisions and actions. It also includes a debriefing component that allows officers and trainers to review and discuss the scenario.


In conclusion, police departments are increasingly turning to virtual reality to improve use of force training. VR can provide a safe and controlled environment for officers to practice responding to use of force situations and make mistakes without risk of harm. It can also provide more immersive, realistic training experiences that can improve the retention of training material and skills.

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Carey Rhodes

Carey Rhodes is a journalist, marketing manager, and digital marketing strategist.